
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Building the Muslim Community in the Family

Building the Muslim Community in the Family

In building a Muslim community in our family it is necessary to have a backrest and a strong belief that a community that can stand firmly, if it is like building a house:

1. Roof is zakat: zakat is worship that has two dimensions, namely vertical and horizontal. Zakah is worship as a form of obedience to God (hablu minallah; vertical) and the obligation to fellow human beings (hablu hablum; horizontal). Functions and objectives of the charity itself is: Cleanses treasure and soul muzakis, Lifting degrees needy, Waving and fostering brotherhood among Muslims and people in general, Eliminate nature is greedy miser and property owners, with the moral character of God, Treating heart of love to the world so we tithe we can foster a sense of compassion for fellow Muslims.
2. Poles is prayer: prayer is our goal: giving birth the soul of unity, existence of inner peace, meaning in praying man face to face and communicating with the Creator, with his name, remembrance, hope and pray. This implies that humans are not alone, no one noticed and there is help, the formation of personality, with a running prayer, lost all the distress and anxiety, Prayer brings happiness to the human world and the hereafter.
3. Walls is fast: our purpose of fasting is to restrain the appetites of the various kinds of lust, while the benefits are accustom patience, and help teach how to control himself, gave birth to a solid piety towards God Almighty, as well as foster a sense of compassion, and familiarize us to apply the discipline of self.
4. Foundation is law: as for the purpose and benefit of the law itself is: the first Maintain the benefit of religion, that is Islam must be defended from the threat of those who do not to be responsible for damaging aqeedah, worship and morals of the people. The teachings of Islam gives freedom to choose religion, such as the Quranic verse: "There is no compulsion to (enter) the religion (Islam) ..." (Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 256). However, for the maintenance of Islamic teachings and rahmatan lil'alamin creation, then Allah has made the regulations, including a ban on doing polytheists and apostates: "Verily Allah will not forgive the sin of shirk and He forgives all sins apart from (shirk) was , for anyone who pleases. Mempesekutukan Whoever Allah, then indeed he has a great sin. "(Surah An-Nisa [4]: 48). So with the Islamic Sharia, the idolatry and apostasy will be crushed, the second Maintaining soul, that is Religion Islam greatly appreciate a person's soul. Therefore, Qisas law to be applied which is a legal form of retaliation. Someone who has killed another person will be killed, someone who has hurt someone else, will be harmed. However, Qisas is not imposed if the offender is forgiven by the person concerned, or daiat (compensation) has been paid appropriately. Qur'anic verses explain this: "Whoever got the forgiveness of his brother, let follow the good way, and let (people who were sorry) to pay blood money to the forgiveness in a good way (anyway)" (Surah Al-Baqarah [2] : 178). With the Islamic Sharia, then murder, theft will tertanggulani as potential murderers or thieves will think twice to kill or steal because his life and his hands as taruhannya.jadi so, life and property of people of faith will be maintained, that all three offspring Maintain and honor , the intention is clearly Islam [1] regulate marriage, and forbids adultery, so we enforce Islamic Shari'a with the family and their descendants we will awake and terpeliharalah honor.
5. Terrace is the Shahadah: the benefits and wisdom of the creed is, first strengthen the Islamic faith, which bersyahadat Someone must know perfectly the meaning of the creed without the slightest doubt of the meaning. Because, Creed is a form of recognition of Allah and the Messenger saw.yang both bring sincerity, so when we say the Creed should be with a sense of sincerity because allah.yang to three bring honesty, honesty intent here is correspondence between speech and perbuatan.yang to four foster a love, that is the love of God and His Messenger and those who believe.
6. Yard is a pilgrimage: for who is able to carry out the required Hajj, the new worship was perfect.

           So what if the charity, prayer, fasting, Shari'a, creed, and pilgrimage for those who can afford, have already been fulfilled either run or a husband, wife and children, then a Muslim community will wake up with baik.jadi as where to build a Muslim community in the family while the family not good? were the first family should repent and promise not to repeat his actions again, the second as a priest in the family of her husband should set an example and instruction to his wife and children by building a Muslim house like prayer, zakat, Shariah, fasting, and creed as well as capable of pilgrimage for the new Muslim community was going to wake up in the family.